So again, I've been away from the blogging world for several weeks....almost a month in fact. It's been a hectic time trying to finish up a lot of projects and spend quality time with my son. During this time, I've gained a real appreciation for what a single parent goes through on a day to day basis. I complain (well, 'whine' is how my husband puts it) about how difficult it is trying to juggle a job, being a full-time graduate student, and being a mother, all the while having a partner who is able to pick up a lot of the slack when it comes to raising our child. I wouldn't even begin to be able to accomplish everything that I need to without my husband. So this Mother's Day, I'm celebrating all the single parents who manage to keep it all together without having the extensive support system that I enjoy (and fully utilize) every day. I don't know how you do it, but you deserve recognition. At the same time, I am applauding all of the husbands who are willing to do whatever they can to support their wives and allow them to try to reach their goals. Everything you do is greatly appreciated....and will be rewarded. ;)